Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise!!!

It's been awhile since I updated my blog, mostly because I have found myself swamped with tons to do. I have been adjusting to working full time again, and it has taken almost the month I have now been employed to get there, but I think I finally am acclimated. I am grateful to have a blackberry, because I have made myself a very detailed calendar that runs every second of every day so I actually get things done, because otherwise I would never get anywhere on time and never get anything done! Lol!

Joseph Julian Diaz at 2 days old
Ben and I have both had an overwhelming week dealing with the birth of our newest nephew to his sister on monday, and Ben's birthday on thursday. I was really disappointed because I was asked to be in the delivery room when he was born, and I ended up having to go to work instead, but we went to visit as soon as I got off. My cousin ended up having her son later that same day, but she's in Idaho, so I was only able to see him via picture message. I got up early and decorated with balloons and a big banner on the door for my nephew to come home on Wednesday, and his mom was thrilled! Then I spent the next day decorating for Ben's birthday. He was totally not expecting it either! I put streamers and balloons everywhere before I left for work so he'd come home to it... then I left work early and picked up a cake and some ice cream, and I turned off all the lights and lit the candles right before he walked thru the door. He was surprised all over again! I was so proud of myself!
Ben's Birthday cake!

My biggest surprise of the week though happened today. I was feeling super tired and unmotivated because I had to work today. I kept getting calls from a number I didn't recognize, but couldn't answer because I was working, then my mom texted me and said I needed to answer my phone asap because my aunt had very exciting news for me. I signed off the phone and called her not knowing what to expect, and I was delivered the news..... she had found out how bad I wanted to go to the Creed/Staind concert next week and she had bought me a pair of tickets!!!!!! I was speechless! What a pleasant way to end the week!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things Are Finally Working Out

Well, it's been 2 weeks and a few days since I started working at Wachovia. I made my first hour worth of calls last night, but only got voicemails, I didn't actually get to talk to anyone. It was a little nerve wracking, but I did okay. I guess the true test is how I handle doing it full time on my own and being responsible for hitting my numbers. I like my team a lot, but management leaves some to be desired. Ultimately I would say so far so good, although I will say I would still MUCH rather work from home, or not work at all. I'm still looking into that option.

Ben got his check and we were able to pay all the bills except the mortgage, which was a huge burden removed from us. With him getting paid bi-weekly and me getting checks twice a month it should make it easy for us to pay everything once we finally get everything back in working order. I am currently working with a company who claims they can lower our payments and keep us from foreclosing, so we'll see what they come up with.... but if they fail we may find ourselves moving soon. I don't know that I am all that upset about moving though... I hate Utah and see that as an excuse to leave and start over somewhere new... why not right?

Things are finally starting to improve and get back to normal, but our relationship is also being affected by the change. We are not stressed and worried all the time about bills like we were before, but we are also not nearly so attached and close as we were only a few weeks ago, because we spent every waking minute together and had no one but each other, and now with both of us working full time we get up, get ready and leave for work, get home, eat dinner and rest for a little bit, then go to bed again... and not only do we not really spend much time together, but I feel ineffective as a wife because I am not able to prepare meals and keep the house spotless the same way I was before. He would never complain about it, but it really bothers me, but it's obvious we will fail if things aren't the way they are now, so I guess I will just have to adjust.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Well, as it seems things have started to improve in our home as of lately. I FINALLY got a job with Wachovia after leaping thru all kinds of hoops for them (seriously, I went thru 3 interviews, background checks, fingerprints, and even a phone interview all taking the course of about a months time)... and my first day was today. I showed up a little early nervous and anxious to see what it would be like since I have never done this kind of work before. Overall I would say it was a rather uneventful and boring day, but somewhat hopeful none the less. The team is close knit and seems to like what they do and each other, which is a HUGE relief! I like a comfortable work environment, so that should help. I did come home with a killer migraine though... I had forgotten how straining staring at a computer screen all day could be.

As far as the bills go, we got the bank account caught up, and luckily were able to make a car payment in enough time to save it... at least for the time being. The cable is still off, but Ben will be getting a full check on Friday and we should have enough to cover most of the remaining bills. THANK GOD!!! Now the only thing we need to figure out is how to get caught up on our mortgage payments before they take away our house. So far things seem to be working out for us though, so I am hoping the same will happen there.

Little by little burdens are removing themselves from our lives and we are once again finding joy and happiness, so I can only hope and pray that we stay on this positive path and that this job doesn't lead me to destruction the way the last one did.