This year was a hard year for us during the Christmas season. We didn't have any money to buy gifts for others or each other, and I almost had to miss Christmas Eve with the Garcias, and Christmas Day with the Georges because of my job... but more than anything the hardest part of this holiday season, at least for me, was not having children. Celebrating the birth of a baby has never been such a hard pill for me to swallow... but this year, for whatever reason, it REALLY was. As more and more of my friends and family enjoy their little ones around me I get more and more depressed that I cannot experience that joy too. Everyone says maybe one day and to not lose hope.... but that is easier said than done.
The best present and event that took place this Christmas though was the call from our missionary! Jeff got to call and talk to us for 40 minutes on Christmas morning, and it was so nice to get to hear his voice again after 2 long months without him. We talked about recent events in our lives, and exciting experiences and adventures he had endured... and the time flew by SO quickly. I can't wait to talk to him again in a few months!
All in all, as I am slowing taking down the decorations and putting them back in their boxes and reflecting upon the holiday season, I would have to say it was both one of the best and one of the worst I have had to date. It definitely makes me look forward to a new year and what the future holds... and makes me hope for the better.