I cannot believe that time has gone so quickly. It seems like it was only just a short time ago that my brother was still in elementary school, riding bikes with the neighbor boys, or playing t-ball in the common area... and in the blink of an eye he grew up. He started high school and played football, got his driver's license and started dating cute girls, got a job.... and now this last year or so he graduated and got his mission call to Macon Georgia. My baby brother is all grown up now, and I cannot begin to find words to express my gratitude for his good example, or how proud of him I am!
Yesterday we gathered at the stake center for his farewell meeting. Jeff said his nerves were getting to him and that he hadn't slept all night long, but he delivered a beautiful and heart felt talk and never faltered in the slightest. I told him he seemed like he had done it a million times, and that he did a great job. I think he was just relieved that it was finally over!
Elder Jeff George |
After the service we had a luncheon at my parent's house. We were reunited with some long time family friends that we hadn't seen in many years! It was great to talk to Dawn and Darren Kelsey and see how HUGE their children have gotten, and Scott and Lauren Alger and their boys too. I remember babysitting their kids when I was younger. We also got to visit with Bill and Patty Zierse (who we haven't seen in a LONG time), and our old bishop Tracy Bushman and his wife too.
We had a few family members make the long journey early in the morning to support Jeff too. My Uncle Craig George and his wife Lynette along with their son Danny and his wife Kim, and my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Kim Cox all made a long drive from Blackfoot to be to the church meeting by 9:00am. My cousin David Meanea came from Kamas too. We also got a surprise later in the afternoon when my Grandma and Grandpa Scherbel, my great Grandma Anderson, and Aunt Lauri, and my cousin Julia showed up from Blackfoot too! We had a lot of great food and shared great memories.
Things settled down after a few hours of visiting, and everyone was exhausted.... so we all took our normal Sunday nap to recharge our batteries. We stayed longer than usual to try and take advantage of the time we had left to spend with Jeff. I knew we needed to head home to prepare for bed and work the next day, but I really didn't want to leave. Finally, when we couldn't hold off any longer, we said our goodbyes. I hugged him as tight as I could, and he held me tighter back, and we said goodbye.
I have thought about it all day today, and still don't think the reality of it has set in yet...... I saw him and hugged him goodbye for the last time in two years last night. Although he doesn't leave for the MTC for a few more days, I won't get to see him again because of my work schedule. I miss him already. I will write him ever week though, and am hoping that our letters will just bring us closer than ever before.
Good luck out there buddy!!! I love you!!!!